Miniature Roses
Paper Doll
Miniature roses are naturally dwarf roses. They are hardy perennials that grow on their own roots, and are one of the few perennial plants that bloom continuously throughout the growing season. They reflect all the favorable qualities of large roses and they're easier to grow. And because they're grown on their own roots, miniature roses are very winter hardy. They come in a wide variety of colors including unusual mauves, russets, and bicolors. There is a miniature rose color for every taste.
A compact growth habit allows miniature roses to serve a multitude of purposes in the garden. Mini roses are great in the perennial border, in mass plantings, in containers, or just to add a splash of color anywhere it's needed in the yard. On average, mini roses grow to a height of 12 to 24 inches, but there are climbers that grow 8 to 10 feet and micro-minis that grow only 5 to 8 inches. Micros, incidentally, are excellent for the front of the perennial border, in formal borders, or indoors where space may be a consideration. No matter which type you choose, the plant, foliage, thorns, buds and flowers are always in perfect tiny proportion.
Miniature roses should be cares for in the same way you treat other roses. They thrive on the same pruning, spraying, and feeding. And as with other perennial plants, you can grow perfectly lovely miniature roses with very little care.
Only your imagination limits the uses you can find for these versatile little roses. They are wonderful cut flowers and can be used effectively in arrangements, in corsages, lapel pins, or just in a glass on the kitchen table.