Floribunda Roses


    The first floribunda roses were created only 60 years ago.  Today, they comprise the largest class of roses next to the hybrid teas and offer nearly as wide a range of colors and forms.  The name "floribunda" was coined by Jackson and Perkins's Charlie Perkins for a new kind of landscaping rose created in Germany.  J&P introduced the floribunda to America gardeners, and began an ambitious hybridizing program that resulted in many of the early floribundas, and which continues to this day.

    Floribundas are primarily landscape roses.  They are shorter than hybrid teas or grandifloras, and bloom more freely, setting blooms in clusters.  Many varieties flower continuously spring through fall.  Their low height makes them ideal for borders, of for lining walks and drives.  They also mix well in beds with hybrid teas, providing a lower front row of color against the taller plants.
